Budgetary institution Šiauliai Tourism Information Center
Vilniaus st. 213-90, LT-76348 Šiauliai


Šiauliai Tourism Information Centre organized another training for public sector representatives on topics of strengthening professional competence. During the training held on December 17-18 of this year, lecturer Lauras Balaiša, who has 20 years of experience in consulting business and state organizations, taught representatives of Šiauliai city municipality institutions, together with project partners from Bauska municipality (Latvia), the subtleties of how to properly meet a client and professionally manage their experience so that the client leaves the institution with a pleasant experience and the desired result. At the seminar, we learned what good and bad customer experience is? How is customer experience created? How to maintain respectful and warm relationships with a customer? How to positively give meaning to the customer's experience in an institution? We performed practical tasks that made sense of the theory and helped to realistically model situations and solutions to them, how to use minimal resources to make both the customer and the institution satisfied. On the second day of the seminar, we analyzed the success factors of a tourism product, learned about creative thinking methods and their application in developing tourism products, and learned how to effectively and engagingly present our products at city events and exhibitions.

The days were full of practical tasks and interesting analyses, which engaged the seminar participants and provided new insights that strengthened the professionalism of public sector specialists. The final result of the project is the preparation of guidelines for service quality improvement standards, therefore the seminars organized are focused on problem solving, faster decision-making and positive customer experience, helping to refine the necessary aspects of the planned guidelines.

The seminar was organized within the framework of the implementation of the 2021-2027 VI-A Latvia-Lithuania Cross-Border Cooperation Programme project "Capacity building of public sector professionals to improve the quality of provided services in local and regional authorities of Siauliai and Bauska regions" (No. LL-00141, acr. "Quality controlled"). The main objective of the project is to strengthen the capacities of public sector specialists in Šiauliai and Bauska local and regional government institutions by improving the quality of accessible public services, sharing good practices and organizing seminars and workshops to increase employee motivation and competences.

The whole project budget – €201,522.18, from of which €161,217.74 from EU structural funds funds funds .

Behind this article content answers Siauliai tourism information center . No under the circumstances cannot to be is considered that he reflects the European Union opinion .

