Budgetary institution Šiauliai Tourism Information Center
Vilniaus st. 213-90, LT-76348 Šiauliai


Nature objects

Location of service provided

Radviliškis district

For people with disabilities

The Vaitiekūnai mound is located in the village of Vaitiekūnai, which belongs to Grinkiškis seniority, in the municipality of Radviliškis district. The mound is located on the right bank of Šušvės, at the confluence with Vingria, and, according to the archaeological research, dates back to the 2nd millennium BC. - I thousand early BC.

The mound site is triangular, 36 meters long and 17 meters wide. A 4.5 meter high, 25 meter wide embankment is poured, with an outer 7 meter high slope descending into a 40 meter long, 8 meter wide, 2.35 meter deep ditch. The slopes of the mound are steep, 11 meters high.

Next to the mound is a burial mound of the III-IV century, explored in 1977-1978. During that period, Algimantas Merkevičius studied the entire site of the mound - a total of 413 m2. On the site, up to 2.4 meters thick 2nd thousand. - I thousand BC cultural layer consisting of two horizons. In the lower horizon up to 25 cm thick, pillar deposits, smooth ceramics, and animal bones were found. The remains of 6 wooden buildings with iron knives, awls, stone sharpeners, a brass horseshoe brooch, a hook, a ring, a bone inlay, a clay crucible, rough, smooth and hot pottery were found in the upper horizon.

The Vaitiekūnai mound can be easily reached by the Grinkiškis - Vaitiekūnai road.

