Gasčiūnai is a village and an exclusive corner of Joniškis region, which is cherished and famous because of an active community. A documentary film has been created about the village. In 2017 Gasčiūnai won the title of Lithuanian Small Capital of Culture. Cultural heritage is very important for local people of Gasčiūnai. There is an ethnographic museum in a farm building made of clay where over 2000 different exhibits showing how our ancestors lived and worked are stored. This museum is open to all visitors. The community also welcomes guests to visit the modern center of traditional crafts. It offers educational programs: sticking and painting of clay, carving and others. According to ancient recipes of our grandmothers, bread and buns are baked. The staff of the Center invites everyone to bake your own bread or buns, too. There are many ethnic celebrations in the Traditional Crafts Center. Santa Claus residence is opened there every year.
