Budgetary institution Šiauliai Tourism Information Center
Vilniaus st. 213-90, LT-76348 Šiauliai


Feasts, festivals

November 3 – December 9 Siauliai Art Gallery invites you to actively participate in the contemporary art and fashion festival „VIRUS’28”!



2023 11 03 | 5:30 p.m. (Siauliai Art Gallery, Vilniaus St. 245)


Authors of the exhibition: Jonas Gasiūnas (LT), Kaido Ole (EE). Exhibition coordinator – Brigita Gelžinytė.

The tandem of Kaido Ole’s and Jonas Gasiūnas is testing itself for the fourth time in the joint exhibition. Even though they are artists of completely different expressions, they meet every time where nature begins to lose its identity, where the necessity of a conscious bluff arises, where any trace of authenticity exposes itself, where form, style and genre no longer allow trust. Meanwhile, Gasiūnas giant „Refugee” didn’t even know where he was anymore. In the works of the latter, this macabre feeling is revealed by an effort to dismantle the hierarchy of classical coloristic painting in its own way: abstract, forever dispersing black smoke remains the only plot-creating character, the only trace of materiality, hiding emptiness as much as mocking it.

Approaching a state of almost sacred absurdity, the works of these artists highlight the gray zone in which we find ourselves constantly negotiating with reality – between devotion and cynical denial, between naïve optimism and clear defeat.

Exhibition opening performance program: B. Rudys „Magenta PantALone”, R. and A. Uogintai „Simple story”, G. Gascevičius „Hiper Super Liuks”, R. Stonkutė and S. Woozy „Gaüsos”.

Evening DJ – Ú_DUBA.

The exhibition will be open until November 25.


2023 11 07 | 6:00 p.m. (Siauliai State Drama Theater, Tilžės st. 155)


Link to tickets: https://shorturl.at/hoxM1

The dance performance „Wounded Deer” was inspired by Frida Kahlo’s painting of the same name, which symbolizes the frustration and emotions that arise from physical suffering and a merciless fate. Constantly suffering from the pain of a leg that was incurably injured in a tram accident in her youth, together with her husband Diego Rivera, the artist lived an exceptionally colorful life and left behind an impressive collection of works of art. The creators of the show hope that their choreographic quests will allow them to identify with the pair of artists who nurtured a passionate relationship, gain the desire to live and enrich their own „self”.

Dancers: Clara Giambino and Diego Alcalá (org. Blake Seidel)

Lighting: Vladimir Sherstaboev

Costumes: Kristina Čyžiūtė-Svirskienė

Art director of the theater: Birutė Letukaitė

Duration: 40 min.



2023 11 09 | 6:00 p.m. (Siauliai State Drama Theater, Tilžės st. 155)


Link to tickets: https://shorturl.at/qFHI3

NASA has discovered a new, flower-shaped nebula formation in the vastness of space – a planet. This was the inspiration for the Japanese audiovisual artist Arai Tatsuru to create the video installation „Thermo”. Flower forms are often mentioned in the history of the universe and ecosystem. In the performance „Garden 4.12°” by the Kaunas Dance Theater „Aura”, the experiences and experiences of humanity unfold in floral ornamentation.

Direction and choreography: Birutė Letukaitė

Videography and Sound: Arai Tatsuru

Sound editor: Robert Przybyl

Light artist: Vilius Vilutis

Costume designer: Kristina Čyžiūtė Svirskienė

Performance assistant and tutor: Robert Przybyl

Dancers: Ester Bega, Heung Won Lee, Julija Strupaitė, Marine Fernandez, Pepe Jaimes, Susanna Maggio, Diego, Jed Nagales, Dalila Tiraboschi, Nanaho Kugawa, Faile Sol

Art director of the theater: Birutė Letukaitė

Duration: 50 min.



2023 11 16 | 6:00 p.m. (Siauliai Didždvaris Gymnasium, Vilniaus St. 188)


The event is free. The number of places is limited. Pre-registration is required: bit.ly/3rFcHaB

A dance and circus performance, the axis of which becomes the spirit of the Olympic Games – Olympic fire, Olympic rings, celebration, unity and at the same time the desire to become the only winner. But what if the axis of the Olympic Games was not sports or specific sports, but dance, circus, a playful, creative approach to movement games and to the sports phenomenon in general?

A unique interpretation of sports, the importance of playfulness and ingenuity in finding new ways, rules for competing and cooperating, acting individually and in a group. Just like every professional athlete, there are individual and unique people with their own stories, motives and intentions behind every performer in this performance.

„4 Victors” is not only an anonymous and abstract interpretation of the sports phenomenon through dance and circus, but at the same time a reminder to all of us that thanks to creativity and play, everyone can unfold their unique potential. After all, we are winners. Victor.

Duration: 45 min.
Recommended age: N-5

Idea and execution: Adrian Carlo Bibiano, Andrius Stakelė, Džiugas Kunsmanas, Marius Pinigis
Music track: Andrius Stakelė


2023 11 17 | 6:00 p.m. (Siauliai Art Gallery, Vilniaus St. 245)


Ticket price – 5 EUR, with a discount – 3 EUR.

Artist Dainius Liškevičius lets himself into his living space, where the boundaries between everyday life and creativity blur. Home videos and documentary material from today create a seamless fabric of the film, in which the artist’s apartment becomes the main character. It unfolds not only the world of the creator, but also the everyday life of his family. In this microcosm, we can observe how ordinary actions – the ritual of decorating a Christmas tree, parties, redecorating an apartment, selecting drawings, drinking tea – begin to transform into performances, private space turns into a stage, and family members – characters. Next to the story of the artist’s work, the mysterious story of the apartment itself is also developing.

Dainius Liškevičius is a creator of visual art. One of the most active artists of the „break generation” of Lithuania, who significantly contributed to the renewal of the expression of art after the restoration of independence. He creates installations, photography, performance, video art and other fields. He represented Lithuania at the 56th Venice Biennale of Contemporary Art, where he presented the project „Muziejus”. He won a national culture and art prize.

Director: Dainius Liškevičius
Script author: Dainius Liškevičius
Operator: Vilius Maciulskis
Composer: Linas Rimša
Producer: Dagnė Vildžiūnaitė

Duration: 75 min.


2023 11 23 | 7:00 p.m. (cafe „Coffas”, Vilniaus St. 136)


The event is free. Registration for readers: bit.ly/48TovGX

A slam is a poetry competition in which poets perform their written works in front of a live audience that judges the poets’ performances. Performance, the evocativeness of the spoken word and the poet’s ability to attract the audience’s attention with his performance are important in slam poetry, so not only the text is valued, but the harmony of everything.

Want to participate?

Information for readers:

– only author’s texts (for allusions and postmodern – yes);

– performance time for the reader – 3 minutes (all of them are only for you, so enjoy);

– readers prepare for three stages;

– text format or genre has no restrictions;

– for props and instruments – no.


2023 11 29 | 6:00 p.m. (Siauliai State Drama Theater, Tilžės st. 155)


Link to tickets: https://shorturl.at/kAKQV

The idea of the musical performance „Sporto grupė” was born in the gym while playing basketball. Listening to the sounds of balls being hit out of sync, the shouts of the team members – it all sounded like one big unstaged concert – this is how the impulse arose to start a five-year journey into the research of „music through sports” and „sports through music”.

The work, which grew out of fragments of experiences found in gyms, playgrounds, blogs, video diaries and advertisements, touches on the experiences of a modern person in a world governed by the „laws” of self-search, self-creation and continuous improvement. On the one hand, such great attention to individuality, body and inner beauty is a sign of social development and high culture. On the other hand, when we understand self-realization as acting and not being – perhaps it turns into another source of stress and existential anxiety?

In the game „Sporto grupė” various rules and images of the world of sports are merged. An ensemble of six DIY[1] instruments spins in a stuffy space permeated by trained bodies, their pulsing veins and temples. Trainers for different muscle groups sound like unique musical instruments.

Idea: Gabriele Labanauskaitė

Concept: Gailė Griciūtė, Viktorija Damerell

Texts: Gabrielė Labanauskaitė, Viktorija Damerell

Music: Gailė Griciūtė

Action: Greta Štiormer, Victoria Damerell

Scenography and costumes: Victoria Damerell

Instrument design and engineering: Sholto Dobie

Instrument production: Rufcuts Studio

Production of costumes: Suoma Pilinkute

Lights: Julius Kuršis

Sound: Ignas Juzokas

Sports group: Vaidas Bartušas, Denisas Kolomyckis, Justina Mykolaitytė, Agnė Semenovičiūtė, Jūra Elena Šedytė, Gintarė Šmigelskytė

Producer: VšĮ „Operomanija”

Duration: 60 min.


2023 11 30 | 5:30 p.m. (Siauliai Art Gallery, Vilniaus St. 245)


The curator of the exhibition – Skaidra Trilupaitytė. Architect – Vladas Balsys. Participants: Kristina Inčiūraitė, Matas Janušonis, Unknown artist, Maximilians Oprishka, Lili Paškauskaitė, Artūras Raila, Mantas Talmantas, Skaidra Trilupaitytė and Tomas Andrijauskas, Leonas Katinas, Vitalijs Butyrinas.

In the works of the authors of this exhibition, the local pleasant sky and global weather, biosphere and climate changes covering not only the region, but entire continents are actualized, as well as the multi-purpose nature of the national airspace is reconsidered. Attention is drawn to the „eternal” astronomical forms and the possibilities of the „boundless space” above us, but also to the threats that may appear unexpectedly from the sky or the dangers that meet us there. Unfortunately, the fluctuations of certain systems are beyond our perception, they are not captured by the senses of the biological body in any way and cannot be described as phenomena recorded by the eye. So you have to use your imagination.


Conceived and realized group exhibition of one author sounds like an oxymoron, but when you come to the exhibition spaces, you will see exactly that: one author awakens many artists in himself and combines their works into a conceptual whole. In this exhibition, the author continues his series of works „Doubts and Disputes” and presents works that have already been seen, as well as works created in the last two years – paintings and art objects. One of the most important features of R. Petrov’s work can be seen in the works created by different authors – the author often uses irony and allegory in his artistic language, and sometimes approaches the border of absurdity. The viewer is challenged from time to time to question the visible image, to try to solve the riddles of socio-cultural codes and to decide how to deal with the knots tied by the titles of the works and the motifs depicted in the paintings – untie or cut.

During the opening of the exhibition, a musical performance will be performed by Šiauliai Boys and Youth Choir „Dagilėlis”.

Evening DJ – Ú_DUBA.

The exhibition will be open until December 16.


2023 12 01 | 6:00 p.m. (siauliai Art Gallery, Vilniaus St. 245)


Link to tickets: https://shorturl.at/ejqQY

During the musical play-performance, the drama of the modern individual, who has become the principle of his own enslavement, is reflected on the stage. You can take a break from the eyes of an outside observer, but how can you avoid constantly disciplining and mercilessly every non-compliance with the system, the standard, fixing your own gaze directed directly at yourself? The desire to be the best version of oneself, the unrelenting striving to be constantly productive, the never-ending circulation of micro-power networks, burnout, despair and many nuances related to these topics, so familiar to modern man, sound in different variations during this performance.

Organizer: siauliai State Chamber Choir „Polifonija”

Text: Michael Foucault, Aušra Kaziliūnaitė

Music: Kristupas Bubnelis

Directed by: Augustas Gornatkevičius

Video: Ła Valentaitė, Karolina Latvytė Bibiano

Choreography: Denisas Kolomyckis

Scenography: Ludvikas Kesminas, Barbora Matonytė

Performers: Šiauliai State Chamber Choir „Polifonija” (artistic director and chief conductor Linas Balandis), Percussion duo Per Giunt: Guntars Freibergs (Latvia) and Pavel Giunter (Lithuania), actress Ligita Kondrotaitė

Conductor: Povilas Vanžodis

Sponsors: Lithuanian Ministry of Culture, LATGA, Lithuanian Composers Union


2023 12 09 | 7:00 p.m. (Siauliai Athletics and Wellness Center, S. Daukanto St. 25)


Link to tickets: https://shorturl.at/MVX06

„VIRUS FASHION” is the biggest and most important fashion show in Northern Lithuania! The international fashion design show VIRUS MADA, which will be held at the Šiauliai Athletics and Wellness Center, will surprise, delight and provoke the audience with fashion design innovations, bold ideas and aesthetic solutions. The collections of designers from Poland, Ukraine, Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania will reveal contemporary fashion trends, creative manifestos, actualizing the issues of human rights, discrimination, the relationship between man and nature, war, consumerism, sustainability, religion, self-irony, childhood memories and the world of the future. Many collections are winners or nominees of various European fashion weeks.

During the evening, the Italian dance duo will present the performance „COME NEVE”. Choreography and concept by Adriano Bolognino (Italy).

The performative contemporary jewelry collection „Puo/-das – Puo/-šalas” by Neringa Poškutė-Jukumienė and VDA Telšiai Faculty of Metal Art and Jewelry Program students will be presented.

The musical mood will be created by composer Antanas Jasenka and Co.

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The festival is financed by: Siauliai City Municipality and the Lithuanian Cultural Council

Organizer: Siauliai Art Gallery

Main information partner: Lithuanian National Radio and Television 

Partners and sponsors: news portal „Etaplius”, AB „Šiaulių bankas”, UAB „Laurema”, UAB „Gorila reklama”, AB „Vilniaus Pergalė”, „Soya Asia”, KĮ „Polifonija”, State Drama Theater of Šiaulių, Šiaulių Didždvaris Gymnasium , Šiauliai Athletics and Wellness Center, MO Museum, Lithuanian National Art Museum, Šiauliai State College, Šiauliai Technology Training Center, dance troupe „NUEPIKO”, Vilnius Academy of Arts, Vilnius College of Design, Krakow Art School, Krakow Fashion Week, Estonian Academy of Arts, Latvian Academy of Arts, UAB „Virginijus ir Ko”, Šiauliai „Dagilėlis” Singing School, Lviv Fashion Week

Festival design author: Marius Žalneravičius